Sunday, July 20, 2008


Friday we received a call from Jim's old Roommate from College. Paul, his wife Nicole and there daughter Margo where in San Diego from New Orleans. It's hard to belive but it's been10 years since Jim and Paul last got togheter. At the last minute we decided to meet at Legoland and let the Kid's run wild, while Paul and Jim caught up on old Times. After a full day at Legoland it was not enough Time for all of the catching up that Jim and Paul had to do. So we all went out to dinner and they insisted on us staying the night in San Diego with them, where Jim and Paul stayed up all night talking and laughing about old Times. It was a great Weekend! 10 years at a time are just too long for good friends that have so much in comon to not see each other. Let's not let it become just Christmas Cards again !!!

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